ZFLO Technologies is developing custom solutions for each market.

We believe each Industry is faced with its own unique challenges when it comes to theft and monitoring.


Retail to Consumer

(Larger Retailer - E-Commerce)

Once an item leaves your warehouse, you have to soley rely on the shipper to give you updated status on deliveries and confirmation customer received the item.

Until now…

Why face the potential financial burden or replacing an item if a customer claims they never received or it was lost. 
until now….

ZFlo Technologies’ custom retailer dashboard allows you to monitor packages that have been delivered for accuracy and potentially fraudulent claims of theft or loss.

Home Business (Etsy)

Being a small business, every penny counts. When a package goes missing, mis-delivered or a customer claims they never received it, the burden is left on you to replace that item.

Custom orders require not only money to replace but also your valuable time. Whether you add a ZakTrak to protect your product or you give your customer the ability to add one once an order is placed, a happy customer is a returning customer.

ZFLO Technologies’ custom home business dashboard allows you to monitor packages that have been delivered for accuracy and potentially fraudulent claims of theft or loss.


You don’t have to be a big business to protect your package. when shipping out a package you can simply add a ZakTrak yourself. By filling in some simple information you can add
that layer of security and comfort knowing your package is protected.

Like to shop online regularly?

Download the app and give yourself flexibility on options ranging from Geofence sizing, to adding family and friends access to deativate packages, or even auto disarm when nearby.

Don’t want another pesky app on your phone?

Don’t worry. ZakTrak will work simply by alerting you via text messages. You can simply follow the links to work a ZakTrak


Two of the most prevalent challenges faced by logistics companies are cargo theft during transit and damage to sensitive cargo. Every year millions of shipments containing sensitive or finely calibrated goods are damaged during transit.

When this happens, the items arrive in need of recalibration — which can cost thousands of dollars. In addition, millions of dollars of products are stolen from places like warehouses or even in transit at parking lots and rest stops.

It can be hard to pinpoint when the event occurred and who is responsible.

We are currently working on several products launching late 2023 that focus on solving these problems.

More Information




Custom logistical solutions for even the most sensitive cargo and materials are necessary sometimes even in the most remote locations. Physical protection is not always relatively available.
By combining several different technologies ZFLO can offer custom solutions.


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